2007年10月8日 星期一

Hi ! My name is 陳志宇 .
I am a CAFA student .
I love my mon and dad very much .
I am a handsome boy .
Everyone call me handsome boy .
I don't want this nick name ,
but every one call me handsome boy .
It has been long time .

3 則留言:

Happy 提到...

Hi, Handsome guy,

Yes. Studying military campus makes you shape a good health and enriched knowledge. What is your hobby and how do you spe nd your spare time? Thanks!

Best wishes,


OH.my best friend .
I love you so much,but no you think about!!I want you can change
a handsome guy,c c !

English Learning Logs 提到...

"CAFA student"?
Ohh~~~you're handsome?
You're lie...